A letter to Harry on the first day of Kindy

To our funny little fella. No one makes me laugh like you. You are sweet and funny all without trying. You can make me belly laugh with just a look. You love to make others laugh, you spend all day making up jokes, which are usually only funny because they make no sense. Your turn of phrase is hilarious. We love listening to you speak and refuse to correct you most of the time as it is just so you. Your giggle is infectious and can make even the grumpiest mummy smile.

You are indeed Mr Personality and this becomes more apparent every day. You are well and truely ready for school. You are driving me nuts at home with so much energy, questions and all of a sudden fascination with fart jokes?! You love facts… about anything really, but mostly dinosaurs, sharks or whales. You have so many interests and the most amazing imagination. We love listening to your stories you make up and even better your facial expressions whilst telling them.

I love seeing the joy you bring to others, whether it is your grandparents or a stranger in a shop. You have so much confidence and your ability to converse with anyone of any age makes me proud and happy. You are the most affectionate little love. You have been most excited for the baby the whole way through constantly patting, talking to and kissing my growing belly. I am not convinced however you will be quite as happy once the baby appears!

As you head off to school today my darling boy I will be shedding a tear for my youngest babe (for a few more days anyway) who is growing and changing before my very eyes. Being your mummy for the last 5 years has been the ultimate pleasure. I am proud to watch you go, a little nervous but mostly confident and comfortable in your own skin. You are just Harry at all times and expect everyone to love you for that very reason. You beat to the sound of your own drum and won’t bend to another will just to please them. You are stubborn and strong and although as a parent this can be frustrating at times, I admire this trait and know it will serve you well in life.

You are a beautiful boy both inside and out, with your big wide eyes, rose cheeks and cheeky smile. I love your little dimple and smattering of freckles on your nose. Most of all I love your cuddles and kisses and how many times a day your tell me you love me. We could not be prouder of you and the little boy you are becoming. Wishing you the happiest first day our littlest love, we can’t wait to hear all about it.


Mummy and Daddy


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A letter to Evie on her first day of Year One