How to prepare for a newborn session with me!

I get asked all the time by worried mums and dads what they need for a session with me, what I bring, what space I use etc so I thought it is about time I wrote a helpful little post about what you really need for an in home newborn session with me!

First up, you need a baby, haha! No honestly that is all you really need to have for a newborn session with me. You do all the hard work in bringing that beautiful little life into the world and then I swoop in and capture all those loving feelings in amongst all the tiredness, anxiousness and worry that comes along with a baby.


As you can see from my portfolio I don’t really use “props” but I do have a lovely little bag full of wraps and rugs and a few outfit choices as well. That said if you have anything you would love your bub photographed with like a gorgeous toy bought for them by someone special, a knitted blanket from granny or a stunning piece of jewellery from daddy etc I would love love love to see it and capture a special image for bubby. These are the things that will make your images unique and special to your family.


You do not need to buy a thing for the session (I have everything I need with me) however if you are keen to have a few show stopper wraps or outfits or new linen handy for the shoot you might find something on one of these websites

Snuggle Hunny Kids

Pop Ya Tot

Lunas Treasures

Hank Knitware


Miann & Co

Two Darlings

Oakie Baby

Linen Social

Bed Threads

When buying any outfits just remember that everything looks big on a newborn (no matter how big they tell you he/she is!) so less is better, steer away from that frilly dress until they are a bit older and opt for a more simple beautiful knit romper or a little nappy cover and a long sleeve (no leg) romper always works well. Babies generally hate getting undressed and it unsettles them so I try to limit to only one outfit change during a session otherwise we end up spending a fair bit of time resettling. Also even though they will grow out of it quickly, if you are buying specially for the session buy a 0000 so it fits best at the time of the photos.


Fresh flowers are always a beautiful addition to a session. I will often use them in images of Bub by her/himself and a little posy on the bed side table really adds to the homey, relaxed feel to the family photos.


The most important aspect of a newborn session (other than the baby) is the natural light. I will shoot in which ever room has the best natural light. This will usually be a main bedroom as they often have a nice big window that lets lots of light in. Don’t worry if your room does not look like something out of home beautiful magazine! this is your space and they are your images. It is nice to have the photos in an environment you are comfortable in and spend a lot of time in. Older sibling are usually better in their own environment as well as they feel more in control of their surroundings. A few little tricks and your room will look like a million $$! Firstly clear your bedside tables of all the clutter, you obviously need a couple of items on there so it is not bare but not tissues boxes, glasses of water/waterbottles and general clutter. Add a vase of flowers and it will look lovely. Another little tip is that a plain linen look quilt cover is the perfect backdrop for your newborn images. You can get a gorgeous one from Kmart for $39 (queen) in a few different colours and they are the perfect addition to your photos. Lastly open the curtains/shutters and see where the light falls. Does it stream in during the morning or afternoon? If you find your room is particularly dark at one end of the day let me know and wow can schedule our session accordingly.


If you have a nursery set up I will generally get some nursery detail shots for you. This isn’t essential though and is completely up to you. Sometimes the nursery can be quite a dark room and won’t lend itself to photographing bub in there but if I can I will. There is nothing cuter than a room full of baby stuff!


Please don’t worry about cleaning the house top to bottom! I really only need one or two spaces and I will generally clear things out of my way if I feel I can or need too. You can much important things to be doing like snuggling with your babe!

Lastly if you have older siblings to take into consideration, bribery on hand is usually a good idea! I try to get images with siblings out of the way as soon as possible so they can go off and do their own thing as they usually loose interest which is totally fine! So a couple of jelly beans up your sleeve can do wonders with getting a couple of those loving sibling shots you would love.


I hope you have found this helpful and I have put your mind at ease about preparing for the session ahead! If you have any tips I would love to hear about them!

Happy Tuesday!