My baby is one - Cue tears
My baby is one. My baby is one. No matter how many times I say it I almost can’t believe it. The quickest and happiest year of my life (which I count myself lucky for considering the year some have had). This baby is the greatest blessing our family could ever have asked for. As much as I don’t like to say never to anything (including number 4!) I am fairly confident Ollie is the final chapter in our family so this first birthday is fill with love, happiness and excitement of course but as with most “first” things with Ollie it is going to be tinged with a small amount of sadness as we will never have another first birthday in the house. I will never see another baby of mine take it’s first steps, laugh it’s first precious laugh, say it’s first garbled word. I feel it makes me more appreciative of every part of Ollies childhood from middle of the night feeds, the mess constantly under his high chair, even the countless nappy changes. I obviously still get annoyed with various aspects however I think I soften much quicker as I remember it will all be over before I blink.
He is by far the most active of our babes, interested in everything, wants to touch, eat, smell. He is going to be the one to have temper tantrums (probably in public). He is so extremely happy or so extremely cranky and not a lot in between. I love the way he tries to climb your leg when he wants to be picked up, usually when you are in the kitchen. He is so rough, can’t do or touch anything gently. He always plays with my tongue or nose when he is having a bottle and he pretty much won’t have a bottle for anyone other than Hamish or I. He is always covered in drool and gives me the most beautiful sloppiest kisses I have ever been luck enough to receive. He is messy, loud, fast and every time I see his beautiful little face my heart still explodes into a million gold confetti pieces even after a year of staring down at him.
I could not be happier than I am right now. My heart and hands are full and satisfied. I want and need for nothing other than for my life to carry on as it is right now, today. Loving those around me and feeling their love in return. I wish for everyone to feel this kind of happiness.
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