personal Lauren Kennedy personal Lauren Kennedy

Europe... with kids! | Moments that Matter

Europe with kids... what were we thinking! It was definitely not the most child friendly holiday I could think of but that didn't stop us.  We had an amazing time traveling through Germany, Switzerland and Italy with out 3 and 5 year olds.  Yes the lines for some amazing cultural experiences were often too long to wait in for the 3 year old who needs a toilet every 5 minutes and yes occasionally when we did get to some amazing piece of history the care factor for the kids really wasn't at an appropriate level however we definitely made the most of our time there with things they did appreciate.  We focused our holiday a lot on the outdoors and admiring the natural beauty of places rather than their museums and statues.  We gave our babes a trip to remember with lots of facts and stories and wonder.  We hope we are instilling in them an understanding and a want for knowledge about all of the other places in the world and how they differ from us.  We hope to leave them wanting to experience other ways of life and a greater understanding for our environment as well as other people and their traditions and cultures.

Make sure you head over to Fran's blog and check out her latest moments that matter. 

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personal Lauren Kennedy personal Lauren Kennedy

Dress ups, giggles and a whole lot of pretty | Moments that Matter

This month we had dress ups in each others swimmers and mummy's clothes, make up lessons, story time with some new favs and a pretty afternoon with some bougainvillaea.  It has been a beautiful, busy, patience-trying kind of month but above all a month filled with many giggles, hugs and love.  I can't help but feel lucky and in love with my little family whenever it comes time to do this blog.

Head over to Cindy of Cindy Cavanagh Photography to check out her moments that matter.

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